
毛超杰 Mao Chaojie

Senior Engineer

Alibaba Group

My Profile

I am currently a research scientist at Alibaba DAMO Academy and focus on the research and application of basic fundamental models , especially the generative model and tuning methods.

In 2018, I graduated from College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering (ISEE) at Zhejiang University, advised Prof. Zhongfei Zhang, Prof. Xi Li and Prof. Yingming Li. I also received my Bachelor in Zhejiang University.

My research interests are in visual perception and deep learning, especially in video understanding and basic fundamental model. My works have been published in journals/conferences such as NeurIPS, ICCV and AAAI.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Multimodal Understanding
  • Foundational Model Tuning and Application
  • Image generation and editing
  • MEng in Information Science, 2018

    College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering (ISEE) at Zhejiang University

  • BSc in Information Science, 2015

    College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering (ISEE) at Zhejiang University


Alibaba Group
Alibaba Algorithm Expert
Alibaba Group
April 2018 – Present Hangzhou

Responsibilities include:

  • From 2022.6 ~ current: R & D in Image Generation and Foundational Model Tuning.
  • From 2019.4 ~ 2022.6: R & D in MultiMedia AI Application on video understanding.
  • From 2018.4 ~ 2019.4: The algorithm research in image based goods recognition.
Zhejiang University
Postgraduate student
Zhejiang University
June 2015 – March 2018 Hangzhou
Research on person reid.